Posts tagged ‘maggiemudd’

Day 16-20

Finals are coming!  Sorry for the lack of updates, but the end of the semester kind of snuck up on me, so I’ve been busy studying and not writing my art history paper.  The good thing about this budget is that I’m not allowed to stress eat.. and honestly, knowing that I can’t, I don’t really have the urge to.

Day 16 – Sunday, May 16
Morning:  I had oatmeal for breakfast at home, and a muffin on my break at work.

Afternoon/Evening:  My co-worker and I went to WorldFest, and she made me eat.  But it doesn’t count, because it was free!  That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.  I had a Philly Dream with fries from One World Vegetarian Cuisine when we got there, and a bowl of Maggie Mudd vegan ice cream before we left.  Plus, endless free samples in tiny cups.  I also took a sample of V-Dog home to my Dachshund, and she loved it.

Day 17 – Monday, May 17
Morning:  Oatmeal.

Afternoon:  I made fried rice with tofu and green onion, and a salad (red leaf lettuce & olives).  And then I made the rice into PacMan, eating Sriracha power pellets.  What can I say, I met Tal Ronnen the day before.. some of his gourmet must have rubbed off.  (On a side note:  It’s PacMan’s 30th birthday, and you can play PacMan in the Google logo today!)

Evening:  I had planned on just eating the rest of my rice, but I got asked to work the next day.  I packed up the rice to take for lunch, and had pretty boring pinto beans and a rice cake.

Day 18 – Tuesday, May 18
Morning:  I had two muffins at work.

Afternon:  Leftover fried rice with lots of Sriracha.

Evening:  I was pretty tired after work and didn’t feel like cooking, so I decided to just make Top Ramen.  I sauteed half of a portabello mushroom with green onion, and added the noodles with water.  I was kind of hesitant to use the seasoning packet with a lifetime’s worth of sodium, so I decided to just add a little curry powder, and a dash of chili powder.  The broth wasn’t drinkable, but the noodles were perfect.

Day 19 – Wednesday, May 19
Morning:  Muffin.

Afternoon:  I made fried rice with tofu, green onion, and the rest of my mushroom from last night.  I also had a muffin before I went to class.

Evening:  I got home from school around 10:30 craving breakfast food, so I made scrambled tofu and home fries with onion.

Day 20 – Thursday, May 20
Morning:  Oatmeal.

Afternoon:  Leftover fried rice & Sriracha.

Evening:  I made rice with green onion, broccoli, tofu, and almonds.  It was gross.  I don’t know what happened, but I blame the Grey’s Anatomy season finale.  I also probably would’ve been more willing to eat it if I hadn’t had a salad first, or if I hadn’t left my Sriracha at work.  Anyway, the rice was way too moist, so before I packed up my leftovers I threw it back in the pan for a few more minutes.  It still looked kinda funky, but hopefully I’m too hungry by lunchtime today to care.  At least I have rooster sauce.  Rooster sauce fixes everything.

May 21, 2010 at 9:47 am 5 comments


To prove that I can feed myself tasty, ethical meals for cheaper than a fast food dollar menu.

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